1. Topic Selection

After weeks of planning, hard work and meetings with your supervisor. Nothing is more frustrating than finding that your PhD thesis topic was not suitable or incorrect.

A poor topic can led to many difficulties such as:

Inappropriate literature 


Difficulties in data collection and analysis

Evaluator rejection

In short, the topic determines the success of the entire thesis.

Statistry can assist you in selecting a thesis topic that is relevant to present or future demand. It will be a well-researched subject that will need to be developed and verified. Furthermore, you, your guide, and the research community will be definitely interested in the thesis topic given by us.

2. Aims and Objectives of Thesis

The most critical component of your PhD Thesis, Thesis, or any other kind of research work is to formulate the goals and objectives in an appropriate manner because it highly influences the following essential parts of your research work:

The scope of the thesis

The depth of the thesis

The research’scomplete direction

Your PhD Thesis may come to a halt if you select a topic that is too broad or set unnecessary goals and objectives.

Statistrywill definitely assist you in developing realistic and clear objectives that are relevant to yourresearch area, as well as obtaining approval for your thesis, synopsis, or research project.


The research hypothesis is basically considered as heart of the PhD thesis, thus a single mistake here could ruin the whole project. Unfortunately, it can be a little intimidating, and several students find this as the most hardeststep of their thesis preparation.

A good Hypothesis has the following three main features:

It clearly specifies the topic of Thesis research.

It’s a testable prediction, educated about the results.

It’s written in clear and easy-to-understand language.

Statistry creates a promising Hypothesis for you by following steps of the scientific method, which include identifying a study field and a prospective research challenge, as well as developing a tested Hypothesis. We make sure  that we’re asking the relevant questions and wording your hypotheses correctly.

4. Literature Review

The Literature Review is a significant aspect of your entire PhD structure  (after the Introduction Chapter) that mainly appears around the beginning of your PhD thesis. It’s a synopsis of recent research in the field you’re studying, which your PhD will eventually fit into. Rather than simply listing different writers in the field and their views, your Literature Review should provide a clear picture of the field as it currently stands, describing different bodies of literature, presenting different points of view on key issues, and indicating where general opinions have recently changed. It must give a critique of each work, not just a short summary of your favourite books and articles.

Major problems faced by students while designing literature are:

Less time to read and evaluate every word available on your topic (but in the Literature Review you have aim to demonstrate wide reading).

Structuring the Literature Review properly.

Difficulty to find authoritative works written by experts. 

Referencing and citing each work. 

Creating a conceptual framework.

Statistry helps you in writing Literature Review in the following manner:

We will clearly explain a Topic and find most relevant article by Searching and Re-searching the Literature.

We will identify the Type of Review You Wish to Write and will Keep the Review Focused, but Make It of Broad Interest.

Byestablishing a Logical Structure we will make the review Critical and Consistent.

The Review will be include both recent as well as Older Studies.

Apart from that, we ensure that feedback from our network of research scholars is used. We also use any study that you have published in a related topic.

5. Research Methodology

Any scientific work’s structure is its design. It mainly directs and organizes the investigation. The method you use will have definitely makes an impact on your results and how you present them.

Statistry assists you in creating your research methodology section by clearing two key questions:

How was the data collected or generated?

And, how was it analyzed?

Statistry assists you in developing the strategies and tools that is necessary to conducting perform your research. Statistry does this by first analysing your research topic, hypothesis, and other options, and then recommending a suitable method for your thesis. In the research methodology chapter, the justification of selection is also clearly discussed. This chapter will cover research philosophy, research strategy, research approach, research purpose, and data collection methods, sample strategy, and data analysis plan, among other topics. Furthermore, the ethical implications of the study will be discussed in this chapter.

6. Data Analysis

Statistry assists you with analyses of both primary (quantitative or qualitative) and secondary data.

We perform statistical analysis on quantitative data using tools and software like SPPS, which is customary of scientific and technological study, as well as of sociological and other study fields to some extent.

 Non-numerical data is quite common in most qualitative research, however it is not always the case. Yet, this does not imply that it demands less analytical insight. Here, at Statistry we thoroughly analyse the data obtained using numerous approaches such as thematic coding or discourse analysis, among several others.

 Often it becomes challenging to represent enormous amounts of data in an accurate format. In that case, Statistry by examining all conceivable methods assists you in presenting the data you have gathered in best way possible. Charts, graphs, diagrams, quotations, tables, and equations are employed in certain contexts based on their particular advantages.

7. Discussion

If you are apprehensive about the discussion section, do not worry we are there for you. This is one of the most common problem our clients come up with.  Because each thesis work is distinctive, there is no single solution that can help everyone.

We thoroughly examine the answers to questions provided in the introduction.

We deeply analyse how the answers are validated by the primary and secondary research results and findings.

We thoroughly evaluate whether the answers are relating to the research’s Literature Review.



One of the most crucial aspect of your thesis work is the conclusion. It is possible that evaluators, guides, or members of the review committee will prefer to save time and obtain a good understanding of your thesis by glancing solely at the conclusion. As a result, you would like to ensure that your conclusion actually concludes and doesn’t merely go off on a whim to address anything irrelevant to the Thesis. Along with your suggestions, you must also bring out key aspects of the literature you have researched as well as the primary research you have undertaken and explain how they have been justified or refuted by your research.

In this regard, Statistry assist you in the following way:

By summarising only the main points of the thesis.

  By generating a deduction based on the main body.

By creating a personal opinion on what is being discussed.

By creating a statement outlining the work’s limitations.

Based on what has been discussed, we generate a remark regarding the future.

By providing implications for future study.


9. Referencing

You may acknowledge the contributions of other writers and researchers in your work by referencing them. According to UGC guidelines citations are obligatory in all university PhD theses that depend on the concepts, statements, or studies of other writers. Therefore, the references must be included in accordance with the university’s mandate referencing style. In general, students do not understand reference style, which leads to improper referencing and rejection of fully completed Thesis. Typically, Thesis from different subjects, like law Thesis and management Thesis, require citing and referencing in various referencing styles, so here at Statistry,  the sources used in your Thesis are correctly acknowledged and referencing is done as per the referencing style required under your university guidelines. 

Our highly knowledgeable experts are well-versed in various styles of referencing, the most common ones are:

APA                                    MLA

Oxford                             Harvard 

Chicago                             OSCOLA


And so on…


PhD students must appropriately attribute and appreciate the effort, data, and ideas of others. In India Plagiarism is considered cheating, malpractice, and misconduct, and researchers who’s Thesis can be proven to include plagiarism incur not only the UGC sanctions, but also substantial legal consequences that might end not only their professional career but also academics for entire life. According to the most recent UGC guideline, any scholar whose thesis is confirmed to have plagiarism more than 10% would be reprimanded by the UGC.Furthermore, the aforementioned student’s guide will be removed from service. The whole news can be found at LINK. Statistry delivers 100% original content as well as plagiarism reports. Additionally, Statistry re-writes your thesis with the help of subject specialists to eliminate plagiarism from your thesis work.


 Unless and until the thesis has been formatted according to the university’s guidelines, such as chapterization, page count, referencing style, line spacing, and so on the thesis is not considered complete as the criteria for a PhD degree are not met  Often, after completion of the entire Thesis, the scholar realises that the research work is not in the format the university has specified and risks missing convocation deadlines or is required to register for an additional term if the Thesis requires significant revisions to fulfil university guidelines.The most important feature of any Thesis is that the same style (as specified by the university) should be followed throughout. 

 Statistry provides you with a very high-quality final draft of your research paper by editing and revising your thesis, proof-reading, creating footnotes and endnotes, adding page numbers, and tables of contents and indexes. We extensively review your Thesis to ensure that it adheres to the requirements outlined in the university manual. Unless and until you are satisfied and the requirements are met we make the necessary changes in the document.